It seems like it has been in the high 90's for the last 3 months or so with little relief.....but Cece should be grateful that the humidity is 11% rather than 80% or greater like it is in New York!
It has been hot , hot hot here all summer with very little rain. Even our monsoon season has been disappointing...the rain seems to evaporate in the heat faster than it can hit the ground!
Cece has been very busy all summer....clients passing away, recovering from this, supporting the staff through their grief, getting another hospice patient into this same home, training for the Senior Olympics, loosing weight, her dad being in and out of the hospital, supporting her sister as best as she can from afar....a thrown out rib, figuring out how to cope with active rest while she wants to be moving more and faster...facing the facts that she needs to do hill repeats and then doing her first brick! By the way...she is still successfully avoiding Tramway...but she knows that this will not last too much longer.
So it was with quite a bit of amazement that as Cece rode on the bosque this morning, she noticed the leaves beginning to change! How could this be? What happened to the summer?
The fall is so beautiful on the bosque! Cece likes to notice all the changes since she last rode down. She stops at the bridge she likes and thinks about her mom and has a talk with her. She sees her favorite little steam locomotive that she always tells herself she will ride one day between the zoo and gardens....and she notices that they changed the turn around in the parking lot at Central and the Botanical Gardens! Change occurs!
Life is hard most days in our lives...and Cece thinks this is because change can be so destabilizing. How does Cece cope with change? Like many of us...not easily. But, she has learned to put one foot in front of the other as she tries to prioritize her self-care. Get more sleep, eat clean and healthy, exercise and talk to family and friends.
She knows that if she is not stable, while things around her are changing, that this will make it so much harder to cope. Life can be hard. She never wanted to admit this when she was younger and more starry eyed!
Cece and Yun talked about this in a round about way the other day. One friend was telling the other that people cannot understand how she can be so happy and upbeat and positive when things are going awry. One friend laughed and said, "Denial?" The other said "no, it is more like a swan swimming on the only see the beauty of the swan...not their feet paddling furiously underneath the water!
My Bad—Or Was It?
3 weeks ago