So, I rode in with lights and dealt with my fear....the fear that I developed from the last time when I DID NOT CHOOSE to ride in the dark... but ended up riding 9 miles in the pitch black of the Bosque. I faced my fear that I would once again look eye ball to eye ball with a coyote! I faced my fear that I would not be able to see (Hey Jeff! that light ROCKS!) AND I faced the cold....I hate to be cold! It was a moderate 50 degrees when I left my house at 4:30 am! Guess what time I got up? do not want to know. Only for cycling will I do these things! Mark it down!
I wore my camel a back pack for the first time since my shoulder injury. I was able to ride without pain! We will see how the shoulder feels later.
Bike Valet! Another First! What could be more fun...... an early morning ride in moderate temperatures with no wind....then cycling into Balloon Fiesta avoiding all crowds and hassles?
That is what more than 200 people kept saying to me this morning as well as "thank you" for having this bike valet parking service for the first time at the Fiesta! Also they hoped we could have it again next year! We all second that! The parking went off without a hitch and those of us parking bikes got to touch and see some pretty cool bikes...some ...we even lusted after!
It was a very social and festive morning parking those bikes and we met old friends and got hugs and kisses and handshakes...and some were joking with each old homes week! KUDOS to those that designed, planned and implemented this because it went off without a hitch!
So, if you want to see balloons and want a hassle free entry into Balloon Fiesta, cycle in by way of the North Diversion Channel. Go under Paseo and under Alameda and see the long bridge that goes right into the Fiesta. Follow the Bike Valet signs and you will be good to go. Parking is free! See Slide show below!
Yah, comments!