....even after I got my thumb caught in my floor pump lever! Snap! OUCH! Sting! Shake it off. I hoped that this was not a precursor to a BDOB! Shortly thereafter, I saw a roadrunner and felt better accepting the blessing and moving forward!
I got on the bike about 10:30 and it was still a bit cold and windy, but it warmed up by about mile 5 or so. I rode out to the "bike magnet" on 528 and then back along Loma Largo to do "The Corrales Fingers!" On my way back to the fingers, I greeted a woman and when she yelled back, I heard NY. I asked ,over my shoulder, "Are you from NY?" She said yes, so I stopped and went back to meet Wendy and her little white Chihuahua "Romeo." We had a grand talk about life and why we moved here and for how long we've been here etc....then Wendy told me she was out walking to lose weight and she showed me her fat suit. She detailed how she sweated in the suit which she had under her sweat suit and showed me the sweat rolling off her (TMI) and told me I could purchase in Walmart. To me, Wendy did not look fat at all...but oh well....to each their own. Turns out she is a "fragrance" distributor to all the large department stores. She asked me what I wore and when I told here Clinique she told me I should go down and buy some now because they were giving great gifts! I was getting an education! Off I went to begin the climbing...leaving the fat suit idea and perfume idea behind with Wendy and Romeo.
On the way out, it is very flat, but on the way back, each road that goes off to the west goes uphill to Intel.
I told myself I would climb as many fingers as I could that were not dirt...and I was able to count 5...and skipped a few...given what I am about to tell.
I found a new road called "Windsong!" It goes up, up up and then up some more with several switchbacks and more ups. Since now I compare everything painful to the "yoga foot" I determined that I could indeed keep cycling up becasue this was nothing in comparison to that foot! So, up I went until I finally hit the top...which ended here.... and here.
On my way down a man was sweeping his garage. He told me, "I watched you cycle up this. I do not even like to walk up this." I told him, "It would be much better to ride up in a car." We both laughed...and down I went.
I went up a few more fingers until I approached my last one called Cielo Vista. I know this hill already and knew it would be ok. Once at the top, I was surprised to see this horse and I petted his very soft nose.
I had never seen this horse before! But as I dilly dallied with the horse, a cyclist passed me . We were just about at the very top of the hill. Then I watched him pull off and go through a gate and he stopped and took a breath. It was at this point , that I abandoned the horse for the man. I asked him...is that trail for road or mountain? What tires are you running?" Once I got closer, I could see they were road. Well it turns out that there is a virtual "secret" path at the top of this hill. It is the Intel Sky line trail. I asked the guy about it. He invited me along and told me that it ended up on Meadowlark...that it was a hard grade initially and then it leveled out. I looked up. Hmmmm.....I don't think so. It reminded me of the Cochiti dam road grade...not.... I told the guy I would watch him and see his line. So what did he do? He sprinted up all the severe inclines standing up! He looked like he was doing a mountain stage in the Tour! I determined at that moment, that I might try this another day...but not today! Maybe Ellie the Shark or Randy would like to try this and give me a report?
I will finish out my mileage this week with a climb to Placitas and then just some flat miles later in the week. Not sure if we are on for the Range on Saturday or will do another ride. Ellie thinks she is developing an unusual relationship with those cows on 313 who are making eyes at her after so many out and backs on her bike... The powers that be are negotiating. We will see who and what prevails.
My Bad—Or Was It?
3 weeks ago
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