Don't Make Change too Complicated: Just Begin!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"Today is the Day to Let Go of Things that No longer Serve You!"

Tough year this 2013.  It has been filled with lots of difficult physical challenges...and well as emotional ones.  Also some exciting new learning...studying ASL under Corina's leadership then discovering a wonderful group of people who I can talk with several times per week in sign...voice off. I have never met a bunch of people who love to laugh as much as we do together!  Also got 4 new clients who I need to keep up with my learning! 

But my biggest challenges have been physical.  I have been ill and allergic and much more...on crutches and inactive for many months...putting on weight. So this needs to change and fast. 

My new motto is "Don't make change too complicated..... just begin."

I will get on my bike and make a new beginning.

Will keep you posted.


  1. I'm there...with can do it....I can do it...we just got to do it...just do it.

  2. Thanks Barry! Let's support each other!
